Posting More Often

I’ll be honest, I pretty much post whenever I have time and ideas, like a virus’ payload – programmed criteria that has to be met before performing an action. One example is the Chernobyl virus, commonly known as CIH, created by Chen Ing Hau. Seems coincidental when you look at Chen’s initials and compare those to the virus name, but it’s actually intentional – Chen’s signature. It infected files like any normal virus, however it hid in the unused space of the files instead of adding its code to the end. And when April 26th – the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster – hit, the virus would completely brick the PC’s BIOS – the basic input/output system. It’s basically the brain and heart of the computer itself inside of a chip. And if you destroy that BIOS, you destroy the computer.

You can’t necessarily “fix” the chip. You can’t tell it how to fix itself because you need it working, except it’s broken, so it can’t fix itself. And even if it was working… well, it’s working, so why would you need to fix it? But you get the idea. You have to swap it out for a new BIOS, by going through the laborious process of dismantling the computer, finding the chip, taking it off, getting a clean copy, putting it in, and then putting the computer back together. And it can be a pain in the a– if you’re not that tech-savvy.

Back to what I’m really here for: Talking about posting more often. You see, I need time and ideas to make a post: the time to write it and what to write. And I kind of have “sub”-criteria, if you will. Needs to be:

  • Happy or funny
  • Not very complex or long
  • Kid-friendly

And can be comedic if possible. But, of course, I do know when to go Jared Leto and when to be serious. But most of the time, I prefer to be serious since I’m horrid at comedy (although I do like to post things that I found funny).

So, I need some help. Should I schedule my posts or should I just post whenever I’m able to?… and I can tell that you guys would either have to hate me or that you’re perfectly fine if I post after centuries of waiting.

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering. – Paulo Coelho

Also, let me know if you guys want me to always put a motivational quote at the end of each post.

Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. – Leo Buscaglia

Your projector is on an [Acid Trip] – Try again later…

Acid Trip ProjectorIf you watch Danooct1’s video on the Acid Trip worm, you’ll probably get the pun. But well, it was a really weird thing that happened on Science class.

Yes, you heard me, Science class. I’m still in school, gimme a break. We were learning about invertebrate animals, such as flatworms, nematodes, mollusks, arachnids, etc. What makes that funny, you say? Nothing. I know, it feels like I’m gonna talk about boring things – but that’s not the subject of this post. If you still remember the title involves “acid trip”, you’ll probably not understand if you’re a kid like me. (Well, I do understand. Kinda feels a bit weird for me.)

How do you think the projector (for some odd reason, we call it a data-show) was? On an acid trip. It was probably because it was an old projector or something, I’m not sure. But it definitely was high on LSD or something.

Okay, I’m kidding, but it clearly had some problems. The colors were all garbled and looked like the projector thought it was on a big nightclub, a big rave party. But it clearly was having some color garble action going on.

Of course, it was just on the projector, whereas the computer that connected to the projector was just fine.

My teacher even was like “Projector, this is a classroom, not a rave party”. Pretty funny joke, at least for me.

A thing I’ve put together.

I’ve thought of putting a thing together and seeing how it turned out. And trust me, it makes for a decent inspirational message. At least, I hope so.teoaf-and-tfgonThis particular one is supposed to resemble an anagram I’ve noticed: “the engine of a film”, can transform into a more pessimistic sentence, “the fine game of nil”. And I’ve decided to take it a step further and transform it into a more optimistic sentence: “the engine of a film is never the fine game of nil”. Surely, it might make no sense, but at least: you can’t have something… when nil doesn’t give you any building blocks.

Sure, “nothing gives us the building blocks for everything”, but what if it didn’t? What if you and I was nothing more than a dream the Universe had… and even then, it woke up… to create nothing at all?

Once again, life is the engine of a film. You are the actor. There is no script; you need to do it all by improvising.

How to predict the amount of Chemicals get over the course of ___ days

If you played Growtopia before, or you still play it, you probably have a basic grasp of what Science Stations are. They are what I like to call “providers” (which is an actual word), because they supply you with something, in this case, with Chemicals of different types, twice a day. They are a lot like Trees in this sense, but instead of having to break the Station completely, you just have to punch it once to collect it. The Station will stay there, in perfect shape.

But is there a method of predicting the amount of Chemicals get over the course of ___ days? Is there a method of predicting what types of said things come out?
Well it’s not possible to predict that second alternative, but it is in fact possible to predict the first option. And below is the method.


Yes, it involves math, but that’s the only method I managed to put here. (Apart from just looking in the code for the algorithm. Which is also math.) But this is the basic explanation of the formula:

We need the amount of Science Stations, “S”; the length of time in days, “Lt“, and the result is the total of Chemicals gotten over the time, “C”.

Take S and multiply it by 2 (the Science Station outputs 2 chemicals per day). And then, multiply it by Lt. It will result in C.

Let’s give each letter an actual value. S will be 90, Lt will be 7 (1 week). Well, C will be the result, so we have to calculate it. This is the operation with numbers in place of letters (except C, we will calculate this): (90×2)×7=C.

If you know 9×2 is 18, you’re definitely going to know 90×2 is 180 (it’s just ten times bigger, even). So, we have 180×7=C. And 180×7=1260. So, C is equivalent to 1260. And the operation then is:


I hope you found this helpful, and let me know if you want to see more of those How Tos.

Plan on making web comics

I’m currently planning on making web comics. I know, this might have died off at some point but I still find it enjoyable, I just crack up reading these. I mean, if this had died off a long time ago, you wouldn’t have seen comics like “Cyanide and Happiness”, Ryan Hudson’s “Channelate”, “XKCD”, and more. Most likely people would crack down. Puns… (Punchline) Now, not having a drawing tablet, that really sucks, ’cause that ruins my chances of being able to draw digitally. Of course, I have a printer, so I could just print out a comic square frame triplet (that is some fancy way of saying that I could just print a 3-frame strip). And no, if you think I am a professional drawer, I’m not. I don’t have a job… or a large amount of viewers (to date, of course, this was published in 2016).

Some of those comics I’m planning to make are actually autocorrect mishaps I’ve been seeing on Matthias‘ channel (big fan), and I try to bring them on comics because they seem really funny. I know this might sound like plagiarizing, but it’s in fact a homage. (Don’t get all upset, Matt!)

Just try to have a little fun on the internet, jeez! – Matthias

Well, let me know if you want to see web comics surrounding autocorrects and freshly new ideas.